ZiBaT => Peter Levinsky => Programming => exercise

Consuming SOAP Web services

Updated : 2016-09-13


Exercise: Consuming SOAP based web services

Credit to Anders Bøjesson

Idea:Comsuming existing web services


w3schools -  Web Services Tutorial |  Introuction to WSDL |  SOAP Introduction
                          msdn -

The web site http://webservicex.com/new/Home/Index introduces a lot of relatively simple web services ready for consumption.

In this exercise you will make client applications for some of these web services.

Some of the services work - others don't.

General approach:

  1. Try the services in your browser before you start making a client application.
  2. Try the service in the soap-tester WcfTestClient
    (location on your computer : <<your visual studio home folder>>/common7/IDE e.g. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE')
  3. Make a console application and 'add service reference' -> type in the wsdl file.
    make and object of the client, then you can call the method on this client object.


For each service your want to try

  1. Try the service in WcfTestClient
  2. make a simple program to consume the soap-service.

Some services to try

  1. Currency Converter http://anbocurrency.cloudapp.net/Service1.svc?wsdl
  2. Length Converter http://webservicex.com/New/Home/ServiceDetail/21
  3. Volume Converter http://webservicex.com/New/Home/ServiceDetail/32
  4. Statistics http://webservicex.com/New/Home/ServiceDetail/40
  5. Global weather http://webservicex.com/New/Home/ServiceDetail/56
  6. Others : http://webservicex.com/new/Home/Index

Extra: Sniff web service comunication with Fiddler or Wireshark

Before you run your program - start either Fiddler (https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler) or Wireshark (https://www.wireshark.org/download.html)

Investigate the http comunication after running your program.

Focus on http, xml and the xml encoded envelope.

Extra: Parse XML output

Some of the service methods return a long XML string.

Use the class XmlDocument to parse the XML string to get access to data inside the string.

Extra: GUI

Make a GUI include one (or more ...) of the web services you already tried.